Windows are one of the most common ways that burglars break into homes. The majority of window locking systems, especially those in older homes, were not meant to additionally protect from environmental incursions – so if you take your residential security seriously, you need to learn how to secure your home’s windows. Here’s a guide from the residential security experts here at DKNY Locksmith on how to secure your home windows.
Keep Windows Locked
Always lock your windows at night and before going outside. Use security latches and/or dowels to lock and reinforce your windows, and install a rod on sliding window tracks. You can even place a post-it on your door or windows to remind you to lock them constantly.
Security Grilles
Consider installing residential window security grilles, grids, guards, or bars. For the more aesthetically minded, decorative window grilles are available that will match your home decor. Remember, you should leave at least one window without bars for potential emergency use.
Security Cameras
Install security cameras outside windows to act as a deterrent for potential burglars. The CCTV cameras will also help capture any evidence if the window is utilized – or attempted to be utilized – by a burglar who wants to enter your home through it.
Reinforced Glass
Install protective film over your home window’s glass in order to protect them from being easily shattered. Tinted films can prevent people from looking in the house from outside, providing even greater benefits. Consider installing smash proof glass in your windows – a choice for those who prioritize home security and safety.
Make Sure your Window Locks are Up to Par
Make sure that your window has solid, durable locks. The most common types of window locks are shash locks, keyed locks, and flip locks. You need to make sure your window is lockable and protected at all times – even with just a simple deadbolt lock.
Thorny Bushes
Plant bushes with thorns – like rose bushes, or cacti – underneath the windows on the first floor of your house. These bushes will make these windows hard to reach for intruders. A bush is much smarter than a tree for this use, as burglars can more easily utilize trees to help them break in.