Category Archives: Security Tips Raleigh

Securing Home Windows

Securing Home Windows

Windows are one of the most common ways that burglars break into homes. The majority of window locking systems, especially those in older homes, were not meant to additionally protect … Continue reading

Security Tips for College Students

Security Tips for College Students

It’s October, and college students are back at school – a time of year associated with a combined obligation to crack the books, and a busy social calendar of seeing the school friends you’ve been away from all Summer. Here’s a guide from DKNY Locksmith on some essential college security measures for students to take, in order to stay safe while they are back at school.

Pool Security

Pool Security

Enjoying a refreshing dip in your home’s pool is one of the most simple magnificent pleasures of the Summer. While pools represent one of the most carefree and casual ways to have fun during these hot months, they also require a modicum of security and safety in order to be safe for home use – especially when we’re talking families with small children or pets. Here’s a guide to pool security tips, as prepared by the lock installation experts here at DKNY Locksmith.

How the Most Common Door Locks Function

How the Most Common Door Locks Function

There’s countless types of lock types that are commonly used today – some of which are based on incredibly ancient technology. Since door locks were built in ancient Egypt millenia ago, they have evolved exponentially – however they usually operate according to the same basic principals. Here’s a guide to how the most common door locks function, as prepared by the expert door lock installation team here at DKNY Locksmith.

What constitutes a monitored alarm system?

What constitutes a monitored alarm system?

There’s massive security advantages associated with the use of monitored alarm systems rather than non-monitored alarm varieties. In this blog post, as prepared by the residential and commercial security experts here at DKNY Locksmith, we will provide details as to the definition, and distinct security advantages of a monitored alarm system.

Common Commercial Security Threats

Common Commercial Security Threats

Running a business is a full time job, and when business owners consider the range of security threats that pose dangers to any commercial enterprise, it can be stressful and confusing to determine what actions to take to increase security. Here’s a guide from the commercial security experts here at DKNY Locksmith as to the most common commercial security threats.

Guide to Commercial Locks

Guide to Commercial Locks

Determining which locks best serve the unique security needs of your commercial property can be a daunting task, especially when considering how wide a variety of lock types are out on the market today. Here’s a guide from the commercial locksmith experts here at DKNY Locksmith on the most commonly installed commercial lock types you can find in secure business operations today.